High Capacity Woman: Business Building with Barbara Littles

The Power Of Your Unique Selling Proposition with Victoria Johnson

Barbara M. Littles

Contact Details:
Glamour Salon - 28801 Southfield Road, Lathrup Village, Michigan
Telephone: 248-423-7776

Website: www.glamoursalons.com
Instagram: @glamoursalon
Facebook: Glamour Salon

Hello ladies and welcome to the high capacity woman. I am so excited this morning because we have this beautiful woman and you are going to be so blessed by this business woman this morning. But she's more than the businesswoman. And that's what the high capacity woman is. She is not the person who does it all and does it all at one time. You know, a lot of times we have bought a bill of goods as women that we are to be this superstar. But we are superstars in our own right. And this woman this morning is a superstar I bring you on because I want her to tell you who she is and how she did it. So let's welcome to the high capacity woman show Miss Victoria Johnson.

She leads she's powerful. She's strong, unforgettable. She knows what she's about and she's building from the inside out. Welcome to the high capacity woman show with your host Barbara M. Littles.

Hello everyone, I find it a privilege to have the opportunity to speak to my sisterhood today, and especially from interview by one of my main sources of sisterhood. Barbara, thank you, thank you so much, you mean so much to myself and my entire family. I call her one of my husbands otherwise God sent, you know, to help our family and and other mothers that and father her husband, Fred has been such a blessing also to our family. So thank you, thank you

for being here, Vicki. And, um, you know, when Vicki talks about our families, we're gonna talk a little bit today too, about the village. Because I remember moving to Michigan over 30 years ago, and, and Vicki and Dwayne and her family became a part of our village and we became a part of this. And together, we built a village. And so today, the high capacity woman exists, Vicki, because I really want to bring the village of sisterhood back and understanding that we each have something that we've been given by God. Yes. So I want to be able to share the wealth of information that you have as a businesswoman. And as a woman because you know, we've lived through some things.

Share today, audience and I will tell you a little bit about Vicki Vicki started or her interest was in cosmetology at 12 years old. Now, that itself is very unique, although usually what we're interested in shows up as a child, and she went on, she went to attend at Michigan State and she went to Pharaoh beauty school, and she's gonna tell us about that journey. So Vicki, tell us a little bit about your background and how you got into cosmetology. 

Well, seriously, I was 12 years old. I'm the youngest of four children. And I've always loved dressing up watching my mom. My neighbors look beautiful. And I've always had a heart for African American women, because I thought they were always so beautiful and graceful. But they handle the world on their shoulders. I can remember my grandmother used to come and stay a month, sometimes three months with us just to help my mom, and she will come from North Carolina. My grandmother had 10 children. This all happened after she raised her children. And they went, you know, got married and went their way. So she found herself no children in the house. So she wouldn't help her children raised her grandchildren, she came to Michigan and she stayed with us. And my grandmother allowed me to roll up her hair at night. And she would let me take it down in the morning. And she would let me call him in and put her invisible net on and as she actually will wear her hair, she wouldn't touch it. And they help build my confidence. like Oh, she really likes it. And she really thinks it looks good. And my my grandmother was meticulous. She was like a size I would say seven eight. And she would wear the pressed pencil skirt and blouse with the gloves and the person the pearls. So we're not talking about somebody who did not dress well. I didn't care about her looks. So that started building my confidence. And I've always had issues with my hair because my hair was soft and fine and difficult to do and I just always felt like I want it to be the remedy to my problem. And my problem was my hair even in high school. I was in my 11th grade, my mom said, Well, if you're really interested in cosmetology, let's look into it, because at that time, in the 70s, they had courses that you could take in high school, and come out with your cosmetology degree. But even though that desire was strong there, I was still, I feel emotionally and mature, because I was still very connected with my friends and influenced by my friends. So I didn't take advantage of that. I decided that oh, well, cosmetology I can get away from my parents. So I wanted to get away from my parents. And so I went away to college, and found out I just hated it. I didn't dislike it, I hated it. 

I want everyone to hear this. Because as women as we are navigating our lives, and helping our children to grow and mature, we recognize that people have different paths. Yes. And it's important for us the key to help our children as well as so find a path that's right for them, not necessarily the path, I had to learn that lesson to find that that's right for them, and not necessarily what we think. 

And they will be successful and even the way they get to that path. Absolutely. And so I once a year, I have to figure out what I'm gonna do cuz there's no way I can ask my dad who only had an eighth grade education that took care of us royally by working two jobs and pay my first year to college. How can I ask him at the sacrifice that to pay for me to go to cosmetology school at that time? Well, God put in my pathway was opportunities to work for the car factories for the summer. And so I worked for the car factory for the summer, from like, May to October, I saved all my money, and I paid for cosmetology school myself. And the amazing thing is at that time, it was $1,000. And $1,000 was a lot of money to me, and 1977 so I went to cosmetology school and did well met a young lady that helped lead me to the Lord where I got saved and, and, and so forth. But cosmetology school was where my heart saying, I would go there and just just be excited and, and want to do and learn everything. But I was still disappointed, in a way because back then cosmetology school did not include a lot of services pertaining to our hair. And that amazed me, and it was not a lot of cosmetology schools that were the the education was directed towards African American women, except one. And at that time, I didn't know about that at the time. It was called elmas beauty college, and that was in Detroit. The school I went to was in Ferndale, near my home in Highland Park. So I went on that journey, but thank God after getting out of cosmetology school door opened up, where I took on a position at Hudson's which was a large department store. And they housed a salon. And in this salon, they were approached by a woman who was offspring of soul scissors. Her name was Carol, she brought a program to glimpse international which was the salon in Hudson's that specialize in African American hair. And boy, oh, boy, I felt like I mean, the most blessed woman in the world. But your heart began to sing. Oh, my gosh,

Now I'm hearing something, Vicki that you've said. And that I think is extremely important. When people are talking about business. You were saying earlier that you went in and your interest was, you know, you talked about your hair, and you want it to be a remedy to your problem. Yes. And that is so important, because really business is about being an answer to a problem.

Yes, it's about being an answer to a problem. So here you are recognizing, you know, I want to be the answer to the problem in reference to my own hair out here and I realized that there's not really much out there for African Americans right now. You are having this experience.

Yes. And you know what, Barbara, you brought that up and just something came to me when you said that me wanting to be the answer to my problem, put me in line with God, to walk into areas where I would be educated to answer that problem. I think your motives is so important. And even along my journey, my motive guy last. Why I have to admit that.

I Well, we are going to talk about that because this is the real meat. A lot of times of the things that we don't talk about, and we see everything we tend to see the end product. Yeah. You don't understand the journey. Yes. So part of the high capacity woman show is a show people. What is the journey? People don't understand, Vicki, the journey, the potential journey?

Yes, they'll get discouraged and quit. Have you decided from the beginning that there's no quitting you? Yes. love the fact that you said you know, I've always had to check my motives along the way. Yes. I would say that as a business woman. That's true for me. Yes. for business women who are, whoever it is. They're honest with themselves.

You better check your motives along the way. Gotcha. So, as you in this process, I want to remind everyone okay, so Vicky is married. She has a husband, Dwayne, who I just love. So you know, we're comrades. Yes, she has two beautiful children, two beautiful daughters, Candace and Romney. And she's a grandmother. Yes, this woman Victoria Johnson has lived through marriage. She has her own business. She has daughters. She has grandchildren. And so I want you to understand in this journey of life, everything has happened at one time. No. And Vicki, I think it's so important for us to say that to women. Yes. A lot of young women are battling left. You know, I want my own business. But I have a family and I have small children. And I know your story. And yes, things that you had to put on hold or do. Yes, I want people to know that but eventually place what you're supposed to be.

Well, you know, that song? I'm every woman? Yes. Not at the same time.

Say that again, Vicki.

That song. I'm every woman. That is not the truth. You're not every woman at the same time? Yes, there are seasons, the seasons that occur prior to maybe the actual vision are all seasons of preparation.

Talk to us about the season of preparation, because that's the season now that I'm finding a lot of people want to skip.

Exactly. So I got out of school, I got married, I had opportunities to go to New York and study, I had opportunity to observe how real corporations run their business. And specifically in the beauty business, I blend be international who took on my favorite learning season, which was black areas, I was a part of black areas. I saw how they handled clients and how they process the business, how they recruited, what they were looking for all those things, all those awesome treasures were tucked away in the back of my mind. And then after I became pregnant in 1980, and had my first child, the season changed because when I went into the cosmetology field, I wanted to be this fabulous cosmetologist star. That's so the the stars and all that, you know, john Mitchell's, and all that kind of stuff. But I mean, Paul Mitchell, he was a celebrity hairstylist. That's what I was aiming for. So after working for Columbia international having my first child, there's so many things that happen in that process, because I saw something when I was at Columbia International, that was not right. And I ended up writing a letter to the president to write that wrong. And so they were so impressed that I did it that they wanted me to become the salon manager. But my husband did not want me to go back. He wanted me to be at home with my daughter. And I prayed and the Lord said stay at home and I was hot. I was mad.

Man, I love you because you are telling the truth. The things that we don't speak so Okay, so yeah, cuz you cuz Yeah.

I mean, you know what I might, if I might help people, I better be honest. I'll just get off this call. I was I know, I was very mad. I was mad with God. I was mad with my husband, because I thought that that was wrong. How about me, my dreams? Me, me, me. He said, do as your husband asked. I said okay. As I tell you what, and I talked a little bit more just like this, if I stay at home, I'm not going to solicit not one person. Because God knows we needed the money. My husband, he wasn't a lawyer, then he was working for the state. I wouldn't solicit and I left a growing clientele. 

That's the thing, sometimes in the height of opportunity, and what we're doing when our life and our business is fueled by faith, sometimes there's a shift, and we might not like the shift.

Didn't like it at all. So tell us about your shift. Vicki, after I calmed down, accepted, the answer that guy gave me I would go out shopping or you know, after money, you came a little older, maybe three or four months and people that I was servicing at Hudson's would come up to me and say, are you still doing hair? And I said, Yes. But I'm doing at home. Oh, can I call? You know, and I'm like, Yeah, I get some. I'll get that. I mean, just miraculous things happen like that. People call me, I found your number. Can I come get my hair done? I had over 300 clients. Wow, Vicki, and even even in the midst of that got answered a prayer because I wanted to be the celebrity stylists, yes. And around about way, God allowed me to become the stylist for one of our leading newscasters in Michigan. And that was Doris bisco. I remember. And I was working in my basement. She was with me for a while. And then she stopped and right before she retired, I also serviced her for about six years before she retired. And when she was doing those hat commercials, I was responsible for doing her hair. So you know, it went full circle. So God gave me a taste of the celebrity type of stylist that I had always wanted. But he also gave me you know, more than I asked for, and sent clients, whole families would come.

So tell us, Vicki, how did you go from that to being to having your own salon? And tell us because I know that your salon is set up a little differently than the average salon?

Yes. One thing that the Lord placed in my heart, even after I'm, like I said, My, to me, my golden job was Columbia International. And then he sent me home that after Dwayne finished law school, Dwayne kicked me out. He said, I said, Now I'm sick of this. I'm like, Oh, okay. I mean, I had kind of settled in and enjoyed it, you know, okay, this, I'm gonna be working out my house. And so he said, No, no, you know, cuz people kind of the lines got blurred. And, and the truth of the matter is, is that I was not able to grow as a stylist, because usually what happens is that your product providers, they will have classes, they'll tell you about future conventions coming. And so me being in the basement, I didn't get a lot of that. I didn't get a lot that business connection, because a lot of times they don't take you seriously. A lot of people in the basement, they're not licensed, their salon is not set up properly, in terms of what the state requires. And I even looked into that, and there's no way I could deconstruct my home to accommodate the proper way that a salon was supposed to be set up. That was a season. But that's not a season that God intended for me to stay in. So gone. I eventually got into a freestanding salon. Those are salons that you see in your neighborhood. And so I'm not one that jumps around. So you almost have to kick me out the last salon that I was working in. And so what happened one Sunday after church I was this was like in 1994. I went up to pastor married at that time, just to tell him I enjoyed the service and everything was just so awesome. And before I could open my mouth, he laid hands on me and I fell out under the spirit for four hours. Two of those hours were at the altar. A straight gate and the other two were at home. And I knew it was nothing but God because number one I've had encounters in the spirit before, but also Monique, my oldest daughter It was like 16, she had just gotten her license, and I was deathly scared of her driving. And so when the Holy Spirit said to me, get up and let Monique drive home, I'm like, I was still under the spirit of saying, No, she can't drive. And the Lord said, output to angels on the front ends of your car, and let her drive home because I was too drunk in the spirit. So I literally saw that's the first time I literally saw angels. So when I got home, the Lord downloaded to me the plans for glamour salon. Now, I must say that Bishop Merritt also had asked me previously to that time, why don't you have your own salon? And I think that was when my kids were in middle school. Nah, my kids are young. You know, I don't have time for that. I made up some excuse. But that was the seed. He said that to me, like in 9092, something like that.

So sometimes we have people that will come along at different points in our life. And they'll plant a seed, and at the time, and when we say seeds, for those who don't know, we mean, their plan, a thought, and our spirit, and sometimes initially, we can't receive it, because we don't see ourselves there. We hadn't really thought about it big, whatever the case may be. But that person who really has been sent to really plant that seed, yep. And what we find out is over time, it gets watered and it grows. 

And there you go, let's fast forward. Because I want people to know, as you started your salon and you put your salon together, you want your salon to be different. Talk about for the next few minutes. What that means. No, ladies, I want you to take out your notes, your notebooks, your latte, refresh your latte, your coffee or your tea. And we're going to take notes in our next segment, cuz she's coming with some golden nuggets.

Alright, we're back and we're ready to take notes.

Wonderful. Well, just a little correction. This is not how I wanted to run my store. And I'll go over that. This was God's plan. Because even when he told me when he slayed me in the spirit and said, I want you to open up a salon once again, argue we only know more Christian salons. It's enough. We only know Muslims. Because I always said to myself and to others. I did not want to be a salon owner. Really? Sure did. Sure did. I always said that. So when God Sleeman spirit told me get pen and pan. So he said, I need you to write this down. He said, I want it to be a team concept. A team concept. This was in 94, when people weren't even talking about team concept and the business around. He said, I want it to be a haven for my women of God to come to feel my presence. And it's going to be a blessing for those who come. And those who work there. I want you to be able to provide health insurance, pay vacations, a paycheck, I want them to be able to make a fair living off of their salaries. But I also want them I want the clients to see you all functioning as one. So that is why I you know, I cannot take credit. Because that's taken glory from God, the way it is set up today. And I'm gonna tell you what happened. The gates of hell came against us, okay. And that's where you afraid came in. Because I was looking for financing. I had the CPA for the city of Detroit make my business plan. And I took it from bank to bank to bank and I'm like, Lord, you know, cuz I have never been this way before. And they said, No, no, no. And one day I was talking to you and Fred. And Fred said, I know somebody because his involvement in 100 black man. And then that's one guy used for it to get in touch with the VP of Nbd bank. And this man told the manager of the bank to make sure I got this loan of $50,000. And he had never seen me a day in his life.

So I want people to understand how important Vikki connections are.

Let me tell you a little bit about that. You remember when you said you had Whatever you were doing here, and it was on App commercial, yeah. Okay, so that gentlemen, actually, we knew him because I'd worked in half. And he was on the hat board. Now my husband has a way of compensating my friends, right? Yes, yes. Because he's a major connector, right? He's, so he was on the hat board. So really, you had connected with the company, wow, without even knowing it that he was sitting on the board of and when that came about, he probably did say to me, he's over the bank. So my husband said that let's get in touch with them. So connections are really important. Yes, that in your business, make sure that you are generally connecting with people because yes, Vicky who has what you need.

And you have to connection to what you need. So ladies, first note, I want you to take down is be a remedy to a problem. If you want not to run into a problem, you do not have a business. That's right. That's right to make sure that you if you are personal faith, that your business is fueled by that faith, and that you're hearing from God, if you're a faith person, if you're not that make sure that it's being fueled in a safe environment. Yes. Number three, make sure that you're playing team, not only with team, with the people who you're creating your business with, but people outside of your particular business. And I'm gonna have Vicki talk about that. Yeah, I know that she's connected with a lot of people outside. And number four, make sure that you are connected with people not trying to be connected, but genuine connections.

Like you came and said, We will generally connect it and he's like, Oh, this person needs help. Oh, right. Oh, this person, right? He gets involved.

Yeah, he gets involved, I get the initial 50,000. And we're on our way, and we're on our way. But right before we get ready to open viken gets, you know, I don't know arrogant and switches the system instead of opening up like the team concept. I opened it up as a booth rental.

Okay, this lady's listen to this because she's getting ready to spit out some gold here. Remember, she said she already got the idea. This is what happens. Sometimes we get the idea God's given idea, the plan. God has a plan. Yeah. But then she decides, I won't kind of do what I'm used to.

There you go. Come on.

I'm gonna do what I'm used to know, my unique selling proposition. What we call our unique selling proposition or USP about business, which was makes your business different from everybody else's? Hmm. He's getting ready to throw it away. Go ahead.

I flushed it down the toilet. flush them. So yes, the the salon, every chair was filled. You know, clients will come into the door, but it was held Hail, hail. It was no unity, the spirit of togetherness was not there. clients were not being enriched. And so the atmosphere was so toxic. I had to have friends of mine come in, and we prayed and just anointed things. And God told me to shut it down. reopen it the way he told me to. Because he was in control. And it was a reason for all things. And this, this, this almost makes me cry. But go ahead.

Yes. Because imagine this, you open your business. And then God tells you shut it down. Because that's not what I told you to do. Now you can make a choice. You can continue to go on. Okay. Are you in your mind? Because you're thinking all the things you have to do to shut it down? No, you did shut it down. And you did start over and tell us what happened and where you are today. Okay, so

Let me tell you about the start over. So I called the meeting, had everybody come in, and I repented to them. And I told them I repented to God. But this is how God wanted the salon to open. You all are to be employees, because the Lord showed me that when you are dealing with a booth rental situation, everybody has a head and he showed me he said anything with that many heads is a freak and he showed me a picture of a serpent. He said we have to be under one head. And so I said this is what I'm offering. You can be an employee, you can come in at a certain paillette make a long story short, it was only me one other hairdresser. And mind you it was eight hairdressers, so six less and it was Two front desk people. So it was for people. That was in 2000. And we're here in 2021. And I thank God for the obedient spirit that I had. Because if it had not been for that, I mean, I would not be able to Dwayne, after being at the first building, want me to purchase my own building? And I'm like, now I don't want to go again. Now. Another now I'm telling God, no, you know, he says that, but now No, that means I'm gonna have to pay more money. I'm be responsible. It's more responsibility. I don't want that. So guys started working with my heart. I said, Okay, Lord, if I if you want me to open up my own business, I mean, by my own building, I need to have a relationship with the bank, because I didn't want to go through what I did. So about two months later, out the blue, I get a letter in the mail saying you have been invited to be a part of Key Bank for women. And this was a program that Key Bank, which is a SBA lender was opening up to mentor women in business. So Monique and I went to that for two years, and without any downpayment. They were willing to fund me to buy my own building. So I went through the program, they funded me a half a million dollars to buy a building and to fix it up. This building allowed me and two other businesses to coexist in this building where I am today.

Wow, that tell us where you are. Vicki, tell us where your salon is. Okay.

The salon is at 28801 Southfield road in laser village. And I love being in laser village. It is such a friendly business community.

And this is a Michigan for those of you who are in Michigan for those of you outside of Michigan, you come through Michigan Yeah, by the salon. But let me say this about the salon over the years. And we you know, we're coming to the end of our our broadcast, but I just have to say this, what you said initially in terms of God giving this to you, and he wanted it to be a haven when it has been a haven over the years. Yes, not only are your stylist and yourself highly skilled, how do you make us look like you make us look like queens.

You are a queen!

That's right. But what I remember most is all the women that came through that I consider to be high capacity women that were out in the workplace, someone someone that weren't they were home, but they Yes, because you know women work from home. But what I remember most Vicki, is how as women sat in your chair, and they sat in the chair of the people in that salon, not only they come out looking beautiful, but you minister to their soul. Yes, yeah, I remember going through in my business at one time and trying to make a transition. And you know, women though at times we go through and we get depressed and I really was was depressed. By the time I got out my spirits my daughters who are grown now, remember sitting in your chair you sewing into and I will come into the salon and I would listen I will watch you peek into the lives of these women.

And you know what, let me tell you something. Now God has entrusted us to have employees that were lifting them up. And you know, because as I was sharing with one of my senior stylists, you know the majority of our staff, they were either Christians or believed in God, or they were church. And we have gotten to a place now where I believe we have matured enough that God, God is entrusting us with a staff that's not churched. And so now we are introducing them and all and ushering them into the presence of God. And I could not have done it unless I was the owner of that salon. Because it's not that you didn't want to be Vicki the owner. I didn't want to exactly.

If you had if you had three or four things, bullet points that you would say to women today, no matter what business that started, and you think it's critical whether they're a startup business, it was a bit of a while what would what would it be?

Well, number one, and I have to say this you must know that God has assigned you to be in business. You cannot go into business to become rich or famous and must be godly. And when it's God led because I several things I tell the people I mentor for business when it's godly, you can give away all the time, give your time away give you because when it's God let nobody can have what is meant for you nobody can have you can't I, you know, I used to be real concerned about building up other hairdressers clientele that worked for me. And then they would leave that used to burn my bridges. And God stopped me and said this, there's nothing that I have for you that somebody else can get. So what they have is what I'm using you for to get to them. Wow. And it reminds me of what your other lady said about the tree and the fruit, your the tree, give the fruit away. And that's what you have to remember to be make sure that you are called by God give your fruit away. And there's another thing he told me you don't quit till God said you don't quit until I tell you. And so I've quit several times, a gazillion of times, and God has always come through and I'm gonna say this because of what God told me in 1994 I have been able to not only survived COVID but many other financial catastrophes and come out on the better side, I have been financially more stable now than I ever have been been able to pay all of my operators and in the process of giving them races that's what I have to say you have to you have to stay in tune with God and never stop learning never stopped growing. I mean, you know, I mean that I stay in touch with Baba surround yourself with mentors and and people that that are smarter than you that know more than you that for me that I know our prayer warrior, because I need somebody that's praying for me, that is praying, and they're gonna hear from God. So you know, that's why Barbara can never leave my life, you know, until only way we're gonna be separate is through our grace. Yeah. And then, and then I'm gonna see up in heaven. But I believe in that and surrounded myself another thing given it shall be given to you, we mentor with cops, and this is Coalition for temporary shelter, which now they've changed their vision, giving people opportunities to succeed. So this organization, what they do, they take families, and they teach them how to go from poverty, to sustainability. And so we're a part of that find avenue to give back God too. Because guess what, people don't listen, God don't care about how much money you have in the bank. He cares about how many people's lives are you actually touching and changing? It's It's enough out here for everybody. And if you just be led by God, and even even if you're working for somebody, work heartily as unto the Lord, be loyal, because he is all about finding God, can he trust you? Because he wants you to succeed, but he has to prepare your character to succeed.

And everything that we go through ladies is to prepare our characters to succeed. Yeah, he says he will show us how to have good success. Yes, Vicki, I am just so proud. I know that you are in the process of opening a another salon. Yes. And so just tell us briefly about the second salon that you'll be opening. Okay, time with God leads.

Okay, so um, we were in the process 2000 and starting 2007 opening up naturally glamorous, was, which is located 17 611 Grand River, God made a way for us to purchase the building. And because of COVID, it is now paid off. And so we have this building and waiting. And as soon as COVID is finished, I believe God is gonna give me the instructions. And the people how and when it's, it's gonna duplicate. It's gonna look like glamour salon. And what he said to me is that he wanted me to create financial legacy for others. So set the salons, give the individual that will manage that salon opportunity to meet the same financial people that I have had a chance to me and then sell them the business.

So ladies out you heard today, not only the beginning, you heard the middle. And you heard a sustainable, ongoing business, but not only in business, but lessons in legacy. And we'll have to have Vicki come back later. And we're going to talk about legacy. But thank you. I want to thank you for being with us today on my show. We love having you and I just love the fact that there are so many women out here that need to know how to allow their faith to fuel their business and I think you just gave us such a blueprint today.

Let me say this one thing because I left this out. You must learn how to be a servant leader

What is a servant leader?

A servant leader is someone who shows their team by example, so you be the example, don't be the first one out the door, you be the last one out to help others help your team members show them how to function in that business by doing by caring about them after hours, not just while they're working for you. So you have to be a servant leader. That means I they got paid and I didn't get paid. That means when they needed help with their client, I helped them that means I they saw me sweeping floors, cleaning bathrooms, pouring them a cup of coffee.

When I think of what you just said, there's so many words that come to mind in terms of integrity and loyalty character. humbleness is so many things that are embodied in that. And there's so many things that are embodied in business. Yeah, but we don't check our spirit not hidden. When we walk into our business. We take it with us and we serve our clients and we serve our customers. Yes, everything in us. And the other thing that you said I want people to just remember is to continue to grow. Yeah, continue never arrived. The minute you think you've arrived, check yourself as my husband say, check yourself before you come off. All right, because it is the danger to you in business and think that you've arrived. Vicki, tell us how we can reach you online. Okay. And you told us where you located. Give us a dress again. Okay, your Instagram handle and the beautiful work that you all do?

Oh, thank you. Okay, well, you can reach us at 248-423-7776. That's the salon number. You can also come in and see our facility at 2801 Southfield road. And that's in Lake Village. Michigan, of course, we do you have a website. And that's www glamour salons that spelled gl AMORSALN s.com. Also, we're on Instagram. And that's at glamour salon. We do have a Facebook page. And you can look up glamour salon, and it should pop up or glamorous Dickie J. And I do have a cell phone number. So if you want to reach me at my cell, you're welcome to 2482 to 56172 I would be happy to talk to you about business. It's impossible to tell you everything in this 45 minutes. Because there's so much I could write a book...

She needs to buy the book. She just prophesied to herself. She's gonna write a book. Oh, Vicki, Vicki, thank you for coming. And I want to say to everyone that all her information will be in the show notes. So he will have all the information and how you can contact her in the show notes. So just look below I want you to take this time to look below and subscribe to the podcast. And make sure you like this session of the podcast. Victoria Johnson, thank you for blessing us and gracing us with your presence, but also your knowledge and your wisdom. 

Thank you, Barbara for being part of that reason why I have the knowledge and the wisdom.

Thank you. Okay. All right.

We want to thank you ladies for tuning in today and make sure that you tune into our show every Tuesday at 10 o'clock am as we introduce you to these fabulous business women. High Capacity women. Bye bye.

She's strong, unforgettable. She knows what she's about and she's building from the inside out.