High Capacity Woman: Business Building with Barbara Littles

The Power of Branding with Alexis Campbell

Barbara M. Littles

Stay tapped into collaborative pools of education.

There is no such thing as 'overnight' success.

Consistency pays off.

Remain curious and flexible.

We are putting out some form of brand; intentional or not. Be intentional.

Branding influences profitability.

Curate an experience for your 1,000 true fans.

People want to feel that what you have is just for them.

Branding positions you to be an industry authority.

Website: https://lexcreativestudios.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexcreative/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexcreativestudios
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LexCreativeStudios
Free Rebrand Quiz: https://lexcreativestudios.com/rebrandquiz

Well, hello, everyone, this is Barbara Littles and I'm coming in today from Mississippi. And we are going to hear from this wonderful branding expert, Alexis Campbell. And let me give you the T on Alexis, okay? She got me all the way together a few years ago, as I was doing my business and heard about branding, but really didn't have a clue as to what it was. So I want to introduce her to you today. She's gonna come in, and she's gonna tell us all about branding, why it's important in your business and the difference that it will make in your business. So all of you out there that have been asking me about my website, who branded it who branded me. Well, I brought her to you today. So get your coffee, your tea and your latte. Sit back, as we have a conversation with Alexis Campbell from lek studio.

Hi, Alexis. I Barbara, how are you? Good. How are you doing? I'm doing good. I'm doing good. Well, thank you for being here with us today. Because so many people, Alexis, they knew after you did my website, my branding, I had people calling me and saying, who did your website? branding? And so I said, No, I have to get Alexis on here, you know, as we start this podcast, so she can get the business owner straight. Got me straight. And so I want to introduce you, I am so delighted that you are here. And you can talk to us. What about your entrepreneurial journey? And then we're gonna get into talking about what is branding and why it's important. So tell us about you and your entrepreneurial journey. Well, you know what, first of all, I'm just so happy to be here. I'm so glad to reconnect with you, Barbara, when we first met, I was like, This is gonna be fun, but I didn't know how fun it was gonna be. So I'm honored that you have me on your podcast. And this is just so exciting. I'm so so so excited for you. As she said, Hi, guys. My name is Alexis Campbell, and we are in Mississippi today. That's where I'm based. I have a boutique design agency called Lex creative studios. And I'm currently serving as the founder and creative director. So pretty much what I do is I help early stage beauty and wellness brands, get authentic branding in place in authentic web design, so that they can just authentically and organically attract their tribe. And I know that branding is you know, such a huge buzz word. But I want to kind of take away some of that stigma and some of that intimidation that you hear about the word today, hopefully, I'll be able to do that. So you know, the main why behind what I do with branding and helping people get authentic brands is so that they can show up as themselves, wherever they're promoting their business so that whoever needs them will be able to find them. Because that's what branding is all about creating that emotional connection with the people you were designed to serve. Well Lex is that is so wonderful. And I want to tell you all this really has made it made a big difference in my business. You know, aside from the fact that I like the way it look. I mean, she did a fantastic job. And I will say, Alexis, that you were so easy to work with. Thank you so much. I really a friend of mine told me about you. And I said okay, you know, and I kind of went and looked at her stuff. And I said, I kind of liked her I liked her stuff. But you know, sometimes some of us have had, you know, bad experiences.

Mm hmm. But when I met you, you were so organized. You had an onboarding process. You asked me the questions, you know, that I need to think about. And it's so funny as I went through this process with you. I mean, you were I always felt that you were with me every step of the way in the process. Oh, that's good. And it was just such a process that sometimes people are intimidated by it made it a very easy process, but it made me It made me think into my business. Yes, yes. And that's that's something that a lot of us you know, kind of neglect to do. And that's why I came up with the rebrand concept is because you know, you get busy running the business you get so busy tending to your clients running your courses and all the things that you know you're doing to keep the clients coming and you know, pay the bills, but you you neglect how you're putting yourself out there into the world. Absolutely. And the world is changing. Yes. So you know, it's how we show up. I'm gonna tell you listen,

Alexis had me from the I remember being Alexis in the store. Guys with Alexis on the phone, sending her pictures of what I mean, she had

The color she had my colors down like, this is what you're gonna wear Barbara, this is what we're gonna do. We're gonna lighten you up cuz you know, I was always used to when those dark color coming out of the attorney space. Yeah, no, I said those dark colors. And she said no, we're gonna brighten you up and pick it out. So she said yes, that will work. Yes, that will work. But what was so funny is when I got to the photographer that day, he said, Oh, yeah, she's she already told me to call her.

I mean, you were just so so on it. But I want to find out how did you get into the space? And how did you start your entrepreneurial journey? No, that's a great segue into my background. Because now you know, I still design but I've been fortunate enough to have some help now. So I take the role of creative director mostly, and that's doing what I did for you, when we were on the phone, and I'm saying, Hey, this is what you need to wear, this is what we're gonna do. So I got that all that Intel and all that knowledge on how to do that, from being a makeup artist, I was actually a professional makeup artist for about 12 years, which is kind of crazy. Because it's kind of a whole nother industry. But somehow we're gonna tie it together. So I graduated college with a degree in biology and was like, You know what, I'm gonna skip med school and be an artist, you know, all my friends hyped me up. My family wasn't too excited about it. But I just follow what I believe was my god given path. And I landed in New York, I was blessed enough to be signed to an agent and I must have done about 500 photoshoots over the course of 12 years. And you know, on those sets and doing those big branding campaigns, you now worked with Warby Parker, I've worked with Donna Karen, I've done Vogue magazine, I've done a lot of really big things. But I was always a student and always learning and seeing, okay, why did they choose this outfit? Why are we doing these colors? You know, what, how does this fit into the grand scheme of the brand campaign, and I learned everything I know about how to put together a photoshoot how to pick the right fonts and color palettes, why this logo will work better than that one. All those things really took a play in me knowing how to do what I do now for clients. So in 2017, I retired from the beauty industry because I got married and relocate. Thank you. And I relocated back to Mississippi. And you know, I was kind of like, what am I going to do? How am I going to make this make sense. I have all this random knowledge about how to you know craft brands and websites. I had been doing websites the whole time on the side as well for all my artists, friends who couldn't afford a professional web designer. So I you know, I just had all this, this knowledge and I'm like, What am I gonna do? I knew I didn't want to do makeup in Mississippi. So I was led to do branding and design for other small businesses that knew I had this knowledge. They were like, Oh, well, you know, you know how to do a logo then. Right? And I was like, Well, yeah, I was like, can you do my website like yours? Because I still had my website up and I was like, okay, so I slowly you know, formed what is now Lex creative studios, doing everything that I used to do in the makeup world for small businesses, and experts in beauty and wellness now, and I guess they say the rest is history. Well, you know, what's so funny about that? Isn't it funny how a lot of times we think that things that we're experiencing and learning are random. Yes. And yeah. And Alexis, it comes back full circle. And then you think you know what, I can use that? Yeah, about color.

You know, I know how I was in those places. I mean, you have such a rich background. And when I look at your pictures, because the person who told me about you initially told me no, she's a photographer. She she doesn't.

And I think what happened during the time when we met is I was in the process of moving from Michigan to West Virginia and all all of that stuff in between everybody. Mm hmm. But I I told Alexis that she came home this morning I said honey, I am coming to Mississippi or anything any places in between, but I have got to have you do pictures. Hey, I do that I come to you.

They are absolutely fabulous. I did not realize Alexis how important the pictures were.

So I saw your work. Yes. Thank you You all go to my website my websites beautiful The pictures are nice but those are not Alexis pictures. Okay. 

I want to Lexus pictures of Lexus pictures are absolute. They are clear, crystal clear. Thank you. Images are beautiful. And I learned early on in my business, Alexis that everyone can cannot capture certain things don't have the ability to capture certain things. People think that photographers or photographers or photographers Yeah, that's not true, is it? It's not true. 

You know what helps with how I'm able to take pictures of people, for them to feel really confident and just love them is that I do that strategy part, you know, you talked about the onboarding, where it's like, Okay, I'm gonna ask you some questions to get to the heart of who you are. And then that's gonna allow me to be able to figure out how I need to captivate the picture how I need to capture you, I'm really, really big on, you know, getting the essence of a person. And I think that taps into when I was a makeup artist, you know, I knew that everybody didn't need a whole lot of makeup. Some people like a natural look, some people like a dramatic look. So I think it is a little bit intuitive, where I just know what will work for people, what will allow the essence of who they are to shine through. And it's just about if I can't be there directing someone else to you know, carry out that vision. So, photos are incredibly important for your brand. And I work with a lot of women who are like you, Barbara, who are really, you know, professional come from a corporate background, but what they're finding is they've gotten kind of lost in the imagery, you know, they're not shining through. We think that because you want to look professional, you can't show personality, and that's not true. Exactly. So you know, it was just so funny. So we didn't do so I was in the process. But let me tell you all how cold Alexis is okay.

I told you all Alexis was like, she was literally in the actual dress studios with me from afar. Okay, yes.

And she was, you know, she, we had already decided she told me what colors we were doing and that type of thing. And then she sent me Do you remember sending me this? She sent me like 678 different hairstyles. She asked asked me, you know, what, look, are you going for that type of thing. And she sent me these hairstyles. And she said, okay, which was one, she helped me look for the hair person. I mean, the whole work. And so then, since I wasn't able to get there, or her get here to do the pictures, he looked for a photographer, but it was so funny. I said earlier when I got to the studio, and he said, Oh, yeah, she wanted this and she wanted that. I just like, is because you know, we're telling a story, we're creating a vision, and everybody needs to be on the same page. It's not just a headshot session, we're trying to bring out who your brand is. So I wanted to make sure everybody knew the T okay. It looks as you and I just laughed, and I thought, so I was telling her I said, I am due for pictures. Yes. But this time, I'm gonna fly into a fly her wherever we need to go. So she could do my pictures now. So Alexa, so that really explains to me your eye for beauty, yellow background with the makeup. And Buffy explains, really your and then your background, how you capture you capture color, so well, and what you do, but tell us how you actually in the business, we know how you got your start in reference to your experience. But what made you think, okay, now I'm going to start my own business, and I'm going to be my own boss, and I'm going to be entrepreneur. Well, you know what, like, when I was saying, I had this whole degree in biology, and I was like, You know what, it wasn't free. So I gotta figure out a way to pay back for it. Or, you know, honor what I think are some of my god given talents. And it was a struggle, like I said, you know, my, I don't come from a family of entrepreneurs. So, you know, they didn't quite understand what I was doing. And even I didn't understand it, you know, to a point, but I'm really big on, you know, honoring what's inside of you, and what what is being shown through what people need from you, you know, things that you know, that you don't even know, you know, like, I can't tell you how I know why some things work well, and other things don't, I think is just a gift. So I had many years where I'd you know, struggled with accepting that I am an entrepreneur, I tried to hold down little jobs, or what I call big girl jobs where, you know, I had a salary, you know, I actually even worked at a university, doing what I do now, which is branding photography for the university. But I just kept, you know, feeling an internal pole, that I just can't work for someone, I love the freedom of, you know, my own process, I have such a process of bringing out what I want to bring out out of people for their brands, and that restriction. I just don't think I was made to work for someone and I feel like when you know, you know, you know, there's nothing wrong with having a corporate job. And like I said, I wanted that I want it to be what I used to call normal, but the more and more, I honor, you know, the gifts that I thought I had and the freedom that I wanted to operate in them, the more opportunities became available for me. And it was just undeniable, it almost felt, you know, wrong to not help these people in this way through my own business. Wow. You know, that is that is so phenomenal. You know, I think one of the things that you know, as an entrepreneur what

You have that poll and the freedom that you talk about in order to, for you to actually use the gifts in you, you know, you always have some restrictions when you're working with someone else. Yes, no, you may have some freedom, but you have some restriction. But let me tell you ladies, not a cost to be the boss. Oh, yes.

Let's just talk about as an entrepreneur, because a lot of times, Alexis, the first thing I hear people say is, I want to travel, I want freedom. I want my own hours do what I want, what I want to do. And so we're gonna talk about the cost to be the boss, Alexa, tell us the cost? Oh, yes, this would be the boss, she is telling you the god honest truth, it costs to me the boss for sure. And you know, sometimes those costs aren't always monetary, but they are monetary, for sure. You know, you you. For me, one of the toughest parts about starting my agency was ironing out the business of design. You know, I knew about the design business, I know how to do design, but I had to really learn that business part, I had to learn about how to, you know, keep my bookkeeping in order, keep all of my contractors together have a process. But when I bring on people like Barbara, you know, like, I didn't want them to just show up, and I'm like, Okay, let's figure it out. You know, there was so much that you have to learn that, you know, is not necessarily taught to you in any formal institution, you know, is there's a lot of things, I had to hire a coach, you know, a lot of things that you have to invest in before you ever see a return. So I know it looks cute on the internet, with your laptop on the beach. But you know, you won't see that for a while, just being honest with you. And, you know, the things that are, I would say an investment or is of course your time, you know, it's not monetary, but it costs like there are a lot of things that I had to miss, because I had to invest in my business. I didn't make some weddings, I couldn't go to the restaurant for dinner some nights, or, you know, I had to pass up on that girls trip with my sorority sisters, because, hey, I need to save some money. So there are definite investments and sacrifices. But you know, once you get everything in alignment, you get to a point where you can start to enjoy some of those fruits that you see online. I love that. Alexis, I think you laid that out so well, because there is delayed gratification for certain things. Yes. And there are certain things that you know, even in my my business, you start and you were engaged in, I mean, you like you know, you're used to going out with your girlfriends, and you're used to, you know, going in that sorority trip and and now you're saying, okay, I can't go this year. Yes, I can't go this time. I can't I know we used to go and do that.

I need some additional time. And that delayed gratification of understanding the big vision and understanding I may not be able to go now or spend money here now. Because I need to invest in my business, but understanding long term. Yes. There comes a time when I'm gonna turn that corner. And I'm going to have the freedom then to do some things that I would not normally be able to do as though. Thank you for sharing that with us now. Alexis, you're a millennial. I am a millennial. I okay. I love this because I will because I know millennials, you know, a lot of times we think that things happen overnight. Yeah, overnight success. Yeah. I want you to tell us, Alexis, is there such a thing as overnight success because we have a lot of stuff out here on the you know, on social media, and you know, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram influencers. Tell us about overnight success. You know what I being a millennial, I consider myself an older millennial like, I'll be 35 this year. So I'm an older millennial, but I get them They are my people. There is no such thing as overnight success. If you see someone on Instagram that sort of came out of nowhere. I promise you they've been working underground for at least 510 years. And just the consistency is what is paying off and what you see as you want to call overnight like it's definitely not overnight. And you know, being a millennial, we are innovative, we do like to kind of spice things up and go against the grain but that is one thing that just is not going to be able to be changed. It's not gonna you can't remix the hard work of, you know, trying to pop off or you know, come up on the scene. It takes work it takes work is the consistent effort every day. You know, I love that because I love millennials because I work with a lot of millennials, and I love the creativeness of millennials, the innovation of millennials. I love the risk factor, Millennials that millennials are willing to take risks. And one of the things Alexis that helps me stay fresh is to have a group of millennials, you know that they let me hang out with them every once in a while, right? Yeah. So I think you make a good point that there are some things you can't replace like experience. So take innovativeness creativity.

See the fact that you're able to take, you know, some risk, you're willing to sleep on the couch. So you could say, I absolutely love it. I love the fact that was literally my life. You just named my whole life. I slept by some couches for sure.

I love it. I love the fact that millennials will collaborate. They'll get in and they'll they'll figure out okay, what can you do? What can I do? Let's put it together, let's very scrappy, super scrappy. I love the scrappiness of that generation. And so, and I think that going forward now, and even going forward, that we're gonna see millennials and Gen Xers and all the other generations, we're gonna see them do entrepreneurship and business at a whole nother level. Okay, I think yeah. Yeah, and so on. And so I just appreciate what what you're bringing to the table in terms of just understanding though some of the struggles, what would you say are the biggest lessons you learned, though, that you look back now? 

And you said, you know, what, if I had told myself this, or if I knew this, when I started out, I would have done this probably a little bit differently, what would that have been? That's great. I love that.

I would say, I would say remaining curious. And being flexible, you know, being a person who is all about a process, and I love organization, you know, I'm super driven, I can have this intense laser focus. But one thing about entrepreneurship that I've learned is that sometimes you just gotta stay flexible, sometimes things won't be that linear path that you really want it to be, no matter how much planning you've done, no matter how, you know, good the planning looks, sometimes you just gotta roll with the punches. And, you know, being curious, I think is, is a lesson that we all probably have learned. You know, I know a lot about design, but I don't know everything, you know, I don't know, everything about branding. So, you know, one thing that I wish I would have known sooner is to keep that community just just to stay tapped in to my community of other artists and other designers more so that we can, you know, feed off of each other more, I'm at a great place with that now, but if I would have done that, so, you know, done that about three or four years ago, I think that, you know, collaborative pools of education would have like really benefited me. So that those are some lessons I wish I would have known. Oh, Hurley Oh, those are absolutely great lessons. Because I think that those are things and places where you can get easily lost as an entrepreneur, because you are so focused on trying to build a business, you know, you got to remember, okay, you're building the business. But listen, do it, take it to your community, get the man. You know, I hear a lot of people will say, you know, I don't want to buy steal my stuff.

Right? Have you heard that? Alexis? And what do you say to that? What do you say to that? I will, it wasn't just stuff if they can steal it?

Exactly. And you know, everyone is, is you're so unique. No man no different. Yeah, everyone, everyone has something different. Because I you know, I share so much because I can tell you what I did a million times. And it won't ever be how I did it. You know, it is it's like making your mom's macaroni right? I was just gonna say it's just like getting a good recipe and you like she gets she told me how to do it.

Unless you're sitting there thinking, I think there's something she left out, she did write all of the ingredients. But honey, it was in the shake of the hand and the shake and salt, pepper. And it was in all those little things that you really have to find your own way and your own piece. So I want people to recognize that because you have to have a mindset of abundance. Yes, as an entrepreneur, when you don't have a mindset of abundance. Alexis, where do you think that possibly leads as an entrepreneur? You know what I think it it traps you almost you kind of feel like you have to take on projects that are that, you know, aren't good fits for you. And then you end up not doing your best work. You know, I know, I know, we want to serve everyone. A lot of entrepreneurs are givers. You know, we just I think that's what our gifts are rooted in wanting to share this gift with the world through through a business but I've learned the hard way that some projects just aren't a good fit. And you know, you should pass it on to someone else who it is a good fit for. But when you have that scarcity mindset, which I have been God overcome, but I used to suffer from that a lot if I'm being honest. But when you have that mindset, you just take on any little thing and you're like, Okay, let me just do this because this is gonna be you know, my rent or this is a check, this will be this or this will be that. But if you wait and have that abundance mindset, you can get the perfect project. You know, the circumstances may not be perfect, but it'll be a better fit for you. Well, I'm telling you, ladies, she just spit out some gold.

You need to go we need to go back and listen to the podcast and take notes. We're going to move into our section. Now. I didn't

It's a perfect entree into our section called let's take notes. So ladies, if you haven't been writing it down already, please get your paper your pen, get your latte, your coffee and your tea, because we're getting ready to take notes.

Okay, Alexis, we are back. And we're gonna take some notes from you, you gave us this wonderful, wonderful dissertation on abundance. And sometimes we take them on projects, because we're thinking I need to pay my rent, we take them on projects. And that's really kind of a rabbit hole that you go down to. And sometimes it's hard to get out. But what it reminds me of is why Brandon is really important. And so as the ladies are taking notes, now, I want you to tell us really what branding is, why is it so important in your business, even in terms of attracting the right client?

Absolutely. branding, in a really, really simple definition is the fusion of visual and non visual elements to express who this brand really is. And what they're all about. Branding is, you know, that can be for a company or an entrepreneur or a service based business, everybody operating in business is putting out some form of a brand, whether it's intentional or not, so you want to be on the end of it being intentional. So I believe the true purpose of branding is to create an emotional connection with your target audience are your dream clients, whoa. So it's incredibly important, you know, for building a strong base of support for your business for your products or your services, and attracting the people who are going to automatically recognize, hey, she is for me, Hey, he's for me, you know, and that, in turn, influences your profitability. So you know, profitability, in and of itself, branding isn't going to automatically make you more money. But what it'll do is, it'll better position you to be an industry authority. So that's why good branding is important, you know, the more you appear as an industry authority, the more trust people will have for your brand. And the trust is where the more money comes in. So when we talk about those visual and non visual elements, you know, everybody wants to hop into the the pretty visuals, you know, that's the logo, the colors, the fun photoshoots you know, all the things that I like, but

but we have to get those non visuals straight first, because that's what's going to influence the visual. So when I say non visuals, I mean things like your brand values, you know, values meaning just like, you know, your brand was a human being what values do you stand for? Some of my values just give you an example, I like meticulousness laid back luxury, what words? Do you want to be thought of when they think about your company that those are your values? Your mission? You know, what are you all about? Who do you do it for? Your tone, your brand tone basis, this is how you talk to your community. Barbara obviously has a community where you know, it's kind of laid back and we can say where it's like the tea and you know, all that stuff, that's your brand, your voice whether you realize it or not. So knowing those kind of things, those non visual things you can't see is how we know to choose this color to choose this outfit, the things that you can see. So having clarity on all of those things, making sure the visuals match the non visuals is how you're going to have a strong brand. Wow, whoa. Wow, Alexis. I mean, she gave she brought us the tea, y'all. She tried. I tried my best. I absolutely love that. Because what I know is this a lot of times we don't know and what you don't know, you don't know, know, when people hear you know about branding and colors. And sometimes, Alexis and I know I did when I started out. It's like, okay, What colors do I like, you know, what do you like, that brings certain emotion, correct? Absolutely. And you know, if you're trying to target a certain audience, you got to be a little flexible, and listen to what colors attract them, not just the ones that you like. So it is, and it's a little bit of psychology in there, too. So it's a lot to think about. Yes, it's about we always have to remember ladies, it's about the customer. No, I remember the one of the questions you asked me, Alexis, and let's see, I remember all of this.

people to feel...how could you talk about the emotional connection? She said, How do you want people to feel Barbara when they come to your website? Mm hmm. And I was like, that's key. That's key. Tell us why that's key. Because you know what, you're not going to your own website all day. So it's not about what you want the website to be about. I mean, of course, I always want people to be happy with their website. By the end of the day, it's about who's visiting the house, the online house is what I call your website. So, you know, being able to make them feel a certain way is going to allow them to just connect with you. Someone I think is Seth Godin, He always talks about your 1000 true fans, that's really all you need. You don't need to have. You don't need a million followers. There are a lot of visitors. But if you can curate an experience, where your 1000 true fans, then you know your website is speaking to them in a deep place. So it's not just about who has the lowest cost. It's a it's about know I connected emotionally, what Barbara's website, okay, now, you said a million dollars worth of things in there.

You mentioned cost. You mentioned, it's not about so many, so much the numbers, you can have 100,000 people. But what it reminded me of is this notion that I say to people, and I want you to speak into this, people who say, Well, I serve everybody. And I say if you're serving everybody, you're serving nobody. Absolutely, absolutely how that plays in branding. So someone comes to you, and they say, you know, listen, I want you to brand me, and you say, okay, who's your avatar? Who's your market? Who's your customer? And they say, oh, Alexis, Alexis, I'm serving everybody.

Your response to that? Do kind of giggle a little bit because I know that's where so many people start. You You are absolutely right. If you're trying to serve everybody, you are serving nobody, it's hard to wrap your mind around. And honestly, I think it's kind of rooted in what we spoke about earlier with that abundance mindset, you want to not try to fit everyone's mold, because you're leaving out the people that you really, really are supposed to help. People want to feel like what you have is just for them. That's a part of that emotional connection. You know, if I say I help all barbers do these amazing cuts is not as powerful if I say I help barber barbers, you know, hair barbers in Mississippi do my signature cut, that's this way, you know, I'm gonna attract the people that want to know about that signature cut, and you'll end up being more profitable, because you're doing a specific thing. You know, there's the reason General, physicians don't earn as much as specialty, you know, you pay more to see the cardiologist than you do to see the regular doctor. And, you know, it's just about zoning in on what you can do specifically for someone that's going to make you have a bigger impact, and obviously make more money. Absolutely later. So what she's telling you is, don't be the master of all trades at the jack of all trades in the master, you really need to hone in and that piece about the mindset is so key, because a lot of times we're thinking, Well, I'm leaving money on the table, yes, but really, you're losing money. And you're only able to charge higher prices. As you become the expert in that area. As you become the go to person in that area, then you're able to charge. So you might have 80 90% of the people that you are not that's not your clientele. But that 10% that is your clientele is willing to pay for your services. Absolutely. Alexis, this has been so good. I want to add anything else that this is burning in you, for people who are even even if they're starting out their business? Or let's say they're seasoned? Is there anything else that you just that's burning inside of you that you just want to tell them? Now's the time?

Well, you know, I do have a resource that I think will be really helpful. It will be great if you are seasoned, you know, you've been in business for a while, or if you're brand new, and it's a quiz to see if you need to rebrand or invest in branding for your business. And know that like we were saying earlier, we get so busy running the business that we think oh, it's okay, my logos, okay? my website's, okay, you know, you're just focused on your clients. And that's important. But it's a really quick and easy quiz to see if you need to check in and see about working on your business. So it's free, you can sign up at the link in the show notes I think Robert will have in there for you and let me know what you think. Let me know what your findings are. And if you need help with getting a rebrand or getting a new brand in place, I would love to help you. That is wonderful. So we will have that in the show notes. And ladies, I am going to like as I said, you know, this is the first season about podcasts. And I was very deliberate about the women that I invited onto the podcast, I invited women who I knew could not just add value but massive value to you. Alexis is one of those people that I knew could add massive value. So make sure that you go into the show notes. It will be there you can click on the link and you can go and you can take that quiz and make the assessment. Whoo, I may need to do some work on my brand. And then you will know who to call. We'll have some information on how you can get in touch.

With her but Alexis, tell us your website and maybe your social media handles of how people can go see your work and see, you know how to get in touch with you. Absolutely. So I am My website is www dot likes creative studios calm. And I have the same username on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram and that's at likes creative studios. Of course she has the same name because she's well branded.

Well, you know, like, like, when I started out, I had all these different names and Alexis is like, okay, let's get this straight. It's okay. But that's important in terms of how you show up. It is it is that consistency is like the the constant drumbeat of Okay, this is the same person all across the board. But hey, we got you settle. We got to settle. Yes, we did. Yes, you did it. And Alexis, I am so, so grateful for you being on today. I want you ladies to make sure that you connect with her. I also want you to make sure that you connect in the high capacity woman Facebook group, because that's the group where we are in a community of supportive women in terms of growing these high capacity businesses. And let me tell you, ladies, if you're going to be a high capacity business and show up as a high capacity woman, you need to use some high capacity vendors, like a Lexus and Lex creative studios. Okay, so Lexus, thank you for showing up today. I'm getting ready to get my pictures next time I see you. Yes. Yeah. It's been a total honor. Thank you so much for having me. We want to thank you for being a high capacity woman. Hey, thank you.

She she's powerful. She's strong, unforgettable. She knows what she's about and she's building from the inside out.