High Capacity Woman: Business Building with Barbara Littles

The Power of Obedience with Pastor Shavon Smith

Barbara Littles

High Capacity Woman Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/254641012754760

Pastor Shavon Smith

When you live in purpose it opens doors of opportunity,  Opportunities find you doing what you are called to do.

Movement is a sign of progress.  If you don’t move, nothing will happen

Have a plan; a vision (write it down).  Vision is being able to see what is invisible

Build a team; we are better together.  Do not try to build BIG with small minds.  Check your circle 

You won’t be great and stay comfortable

Best Selling Book:  When Obeying God Makes You Look Stupid (website)
Contact:  www.ShavonSmith.com
Facebook @ IAMShavonSmith
Instagram:  @ShavonSSmith

We're traveling across the country this morning ladies and we are going to Sicklerville, New Jersey. I want to introduce you this morning to a woman who's a wife. She's a mother. She's a pastor. She's an author. She's a speaker, a trainer. She's a publisher. She is an entrepreneur. She is a lover of God and a lover of God's people. I'm going to introduce you to her this morning. And she's small in physical stature, but she is mighty in our she's mighty in power. Not only does she know who she is, and she's building from the inside out, but she's also helping others spiritually and naturally build from the inside out. So, ladies, get your coffee, your latte and your tea. Cuz we're getting ready to talk to pastor Siobhan Smith.

Hello, Pastor, how are you? Hello, my girl, my attorney, my politician. It's a it's an honor to be on with you today. It is an honor to have you you know, we are talking about the high capacity woman. We know that years ago, we talked about the super woman but she's a myth. But the high capacity woman, which is who you are. And when I talked about this, I said no. Okay, so we know that we know most of us know her as Pastor. But there's so many other things and places where you operate. And I named them this morning, but I want to sit back and I want to ask you tell the ladies who Siobhan Smith is I have to be say Smith now because you know, she just got married and we're gonna talk about that. Yeah. How God is blessing this woman of God. But Pastor shirvan Smith, tell us about who you are. Who am I? that's loaded. I am first. I'm just a little lady that loves God. And I really love people. I sincerely love just people doesn't matter. The back ground doesn't matter the ethnicity doesn't matter. You know, the economic status. I I love people and I know that I'm called to people, I'm called to love people to love them back to life. If that were to be the sum total of who I am, it will be I'm a lover of people. And I've been called to love people back to life. You know, I am a mother of now eight children. We're going to talk about how we got to a family has definitely enlarged and increased. I am a wife to an amazing man, which has brought me from Virginia to sicklerville sicklerville I've never even heard of in my life until now. sicklerville, New Jersey. His name is Cheyenne Smith, and he is a stylist, fashion stylist and a pastor and just a wonderful man, period. And I am a pastor I pastored in Virginia, I founded a ministry The Life Center. And now I've transitioned to New Jersey and now I pastor alongside with my husband at the new generation church. And I am a encourager, I'm an igniter I night people to really walk in their purpose to really walk in who they're supposed to be here on the earth. I believe that we're supposed to live without regrets. And everything that's in us is supposed to be poured out. And so I'm just that that that little voice that's like come on, come on you You got so much to do, and we don't have time to waste time is of the essence Barbara, it is of the essence. You know, we used to say that we still do in the law, you know, it's been contract Time is of the essence. But really Time is of the essence. And you know, I want to say this when you say you know I'm just as little, a little voice. She has a big voice. And and what I love about you is that you are using your voice to do what you were born to do. And so that you were born to do it because it oozes out of you without effort, your business A lover of people that leads and guides everything you do. And so those of you who know her, you know, that's the truth. Those of you who are being introduced to her today for the first time, of course, we're going to tell you in the end of our how you can connect with her. And I'm going to tell you why you need to connect with her. Okay? But just a lover of people. And I think as today in this day and age as we're introducing Christ to people, yes. Okay. You have an opportunity to introduce him through your pastor ship through your business. Yes, serial entrepreneur through her books. Yes. So I want you to tell us about First of all, you have five books. Fantastic. I think I've read them all DVDs. Yeah. You said, Barbara, you're a stalker? No, I'm not a stalker. But let me tell you what I am. When I see and hear and know in my spirit that something's good. Not only do I consume it, but I help other people to consume it, or to connect to it. And so that's what we're connecting this morning. So tell us about your journey.

Thank you. Um, and let me say thank you, thank you for being that pusher. And that promoter. You're not selfish. And like you said, when when you experience it, when you're exposed to it, you now expose your sisters, to your brothers to it. And that's what we're supposed to do about that. Tell us about that. Because sometimes I think particularly as women, we think that there's not enough for everyone. Write about your experience, that's such a limited, small mindset, there is enough work for all of us to do, there is enough need for all of us to meet needs. And once if we realize that we're on the same team, we won't work against each other. I believe that's that's the problem. We don't understand that we are not supposed to be in competition. Because we're on the same team, we have the same goal, we're supposed to, the goal is to be better. The goal is to you know, really maximize our potential. And, you know, iron sharpens iron. So my goal is to sharpen you to encourage you to push you and as I'm pushing you, my sisters, they're pushing me shopping and me telling me to go and then as a, it should be a domino effect. If we can get catch on to that the world would be better. Instead of us fighting, let's unite. Let's become of one mind, one spirit, understanding that we're on the same team, how awful it is to be fighting against the enemy. And then those that are fighting the enemy turn around and start fighting each other. Oh, wow, you getting the purpose? You said you just dropped some nuggets. I'm not even gonna say gold, I'm say platinum, there we go, the platinum, you have dropped a platinum nugget there, that if we were able to do that, it would totally change our lives. It would change our lives, it would change what we're seeing in our world, it would change what we're seeing in our nation. If we all could get the mindset we're not against each other. We have not been placed to on the earth to be at odds. If we can understand everybody has their strength. Everybody has their gifts. You know, the Bible talks about their many members. But what one body? Absolutely, we have many members to our makeup, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, hands, feet. And each one of our members has a different purpose. My eyes is what's used for me to see my ears is used for me to hear my mouth is used for me to eat to talk to you know, my legs is what gives me the mobility without my legs, I can't move. So how can the leg tell the I don't need you? How can the finger tell the hand I don't need you. It's all working together for one common goal for the whole body to be able to function properly. And understand that that we are all valuable. All valuable. And whatever member you are you are that you're needed. Correct and you're valuable. And so talk to women about value about their value. You know, I I love I love nice things I love very. I have very exquisite taste Barbara, sometimes my painting my taste is bigger than my pockets right? But I am a firm believer in paying for quality. Because I understand that when you invest in quality, that is a long term investment as opposed to just you know saving money. But buying something that's not gonna last, in the long run, I'm going to continue putting money out. Because I wasn't, I didn't want to put out the big investment in the beginning. So whenever I go into the Louis Vuitton store going to the Gucci store, you will never see Louis Vuitton Gucci run a sale. They don't even have a clearance section.

Never. You go to these other stores, and they have the red sign saying clearance in the back, you know, and and, and most time, when we're trying to save money, we go straight to the Claire's. Well, when you are walking into the Louis Vuitton store, into the Gucci store into the product store, these quality brands, you already know that you're going to pay full price. And Louie Vuitton, Gucci Prada, they're not going to lower their price, because you're complaining about oh my god, this cost too much. I mean, y'all why y'all don't ever have no sale, if you can afford it, then we're just not for you. But what we're not going to do is lower our value to make you feel better. Wow, we understand how valuable our merchandise and product is what so we're just not for you. That's the same mindset that we're supposed to have as women, as that's how we should view ourselves, our product, our gifts, our talents, our business, we're not going to dummy ourselves down because you feel like it's too much. We understand how valuable we are. And we don't go on clearance. We don't go on sale. And if you want me, then you have to get me at full price. Women. Ladies, look, we have a take your notes section, but she's already given us notes. I want you to write down what you were feeling. As she said that, and what were you thinking, because what you were thinking and what you were feeling locates you. And we only can move from where we are until we know move to where we need to be when we know where we are. But what you said is so valuable because as these women are trying to build businesses, and they're trying to build ministries, from what she just said, is absolutely critical. Because there's someone that's gonna come along and challenge you, right on your value. Yes, that's too much, you expect too much, your standards are too high, your requirements are too large. That person doesn't qualify for your goods and services. As soon as they start saying that there is your sign, there is your indicator, this ain't the one. This thing wanting to be in partnership with. This is not who I need to be in covenant with. This is not who I need to pour my vision out to. This is not who I need to invest in. This is not why I need to share my thoughts, because they think too small, and they want to devalue me. Get away from people that want to devalue who you are seen, I had to pull on her, I will have to have her come back and back and back. Because you just said a whole lot, even in terms of people that we associate with. But I want to talk to you, I want to insert something there. Because when you said covenant, the first thing I thought about was your new husband. Yes. And I want you to talk to us about you have a book. When obeying God makes you look stupid, stupid. And I want you to talk about what you just said in reference to covenant, in reference to your obedience as a woman of faith, because I know that everything that you do your business, your publishing, everything is fueled by your faith. But also women who are looking because we're not just business owners, there are women that are listening this morning and they're waiting for their husband. Yes. And it is related to and I bring this up now. Because I thought about it when you talked about value and knowing who you want. Come on talking to ladies about this this morning. So Barbara, I was single after being divorced. You know, for five years. I went through my season of singlehood. And, man this single life, I get it. I get it for all the ladies that single I have experienced it and it is hard and these single streets.

They go straight into single streets. You're no hard especially for women that understand their worth and value. But you still desire companionship, you still desire To be a covenant, you know that you have been called to be in partnership. That's the thing. When you know that your content being partnership, that there is a there is a feeling of God, when are you going to send him? I know I'm not called to do it by myself. Can I do it by myself? Yes. You know, am I successful by myself? Yes. Did I accomplish a lot by myself? Yes, but but God has taught me to be in partnership, I have been anointed to be a help to get to a man. I'm not a liability. I'm an asset. And two is better than one. Oh, so I know that I've been called to be an asset to a man that qualifies to cover me. So because I know my value, I would not waste time with any man, that doesn't qualify. I'm not gonna waste time over dinner. I'm not gonna waste my breath over conversation with somebody that I know don't even have potential to be a maid. I don't see a long term history. So in my dating, I am dating with a purpose. In my dating. I'm collecting data to see Alright, is this man gonna be a man? That's gonna honor God? Is this man gonna be a man that can really cover me properly? You can't cover me if you don't know the word of God, if you're not even in relationship with God, if you don't love him, for real, you know, who are you when anybody watching? What's your character? Like? How do you treat your family? How do you treat your mother? How do you treat women? How do you respond under pressure? How do you respond when you get angry? These are things that I'm watching. These are things that I'm taking note of, you know, how do you handle your finances? Are you are you one that gives to the Lord, because if you don't give to God, you ain't gonna give to me. You know, what you are your driving goal. And this is the thing, I noticed that you know those things because you know, what a man of value looks like. But you know, also that you are a woman of value, and that's who you are going to attract. Now, there are going to be people that come along your way women, even as a woman of value, okay, they're gonna try, so you have to know who you are. But talk to us about how one of the things that I love is that while you were waiting, you were still about your business. You are not your ministry, you are about your business. Tell us about that. And then this man came along. Sometimes we feel that waiting means Stay still. And waiting does not mean stop movement, stop mobility, waiting just means I am in expectation. So I'm still doing what I'm called to do. Wow, yet remaining an expectation. All right, God, I know what you're gonna do. And I'm believing that you're going to do it. So until then, I'm going to continue, I'm going to press severe. I'm going to remain resilient. I'm going to stay true to my assignment here on the earth. Until you release what I've expected to my life. There. My my worth is not predicated on a man. My assignment, and me being a successful and productive is not predicated on, I'm gonna get to work once my man comes on. No, no, you won't find me working. Because again, I'm an asset. So I'm bringing something to the table. I'm not waiting for you to come. And just be the one to give me everything. Now I have something to offer as well. So when you show when you show up, you're gonna show up and see Oh, she got her stuff together. Oh, so she's not looking for a man to validate her. She's not looking for a man to complete her. She's not looking for a man to be her, her her bank to be her golden ticket. She's not looking for a man to be the one to you know, just just pay all her bills. She good. She wants a man to be in partnership with so that we can do what God has called us to do together. Wow.

So whether we have that or not, and I just absolutely love that because I hear so many women who you know, have a business in them. And they have a dream and then them and they're waiting. They are sitting and literally waiting for someone else to come along. To help make that happen. I want you to talk to women because you're also your wife, but you also a mother, the woman who says, you know I have all these responsibilities. I'm a wife, I'm a mother or I'm waiting, you know, to be a wife. How do you How have you acquired accomplish all of this. As I started naming this list, I know there was some women that probably said, whoo, let me take a breath. Did you do it all at one time? Or was it progressive? How did it happen in your life? Um, I, I believe that when you spend time with the Lord, when you spend time in communion with God, my prayer time, is where God downloads his plans and his purposes. The more I commune with him, the more revelation I receive. And as I am, through my journey, as I'm spending time with God, this is consistent, it doesn't stop. Every time I spend time with God, God downloads something new in me. And when I see it, when I hear it, I move on it, because it's what he's placed in me. So it's his desires, it has to be successful, because he's the one that gave it to me. I didn't come up with this by myself, I don't want to pop out and want to publish no books. I don't even like to read. What do you say to those people who say, Yeah, but even when I hear that, I don't know how to do that. You got to make yourself get up and go, there are going to be times where we don't feel like it. Let's be honest, we're not going to always feel like it. Sometimes you gotta fake it until you feel like it. Sometimes you got to go through the motions. Sometimes praise got to come out before you come out. So we got to walk it out. Before it's really what we feel like, there was there were days y'all in my inbox process of being alone, that I did not feel like getting up out to bed, fixing up encouraging anybody else. I didn't feel like dealing with the kids. I had to tell myself, encourage myself Get up, get up, you have work to do. You got babies, you still got to push for. You got people that's depending on you. If you quit, they're gonna quit. If you give up, they're gonna give up. They're watching you. Your life is an encouragement to them. You got to know that there are people watching you that you don't even know are watching you. There are people that's inspired by you, that you don't even know is inspired by you. And if you don't do what you're called to do, they're not going to do it. It seems like so much pressure. Well, oh my god, this is so much. That's that's that's a lot. That's a lot of pressure that we got to live with. We're all assigned to somebody. Hmm. Your neighbor could be watching you. There's always somebody watching. There's always somebody when you don't know there are some people that you watch. And you don't know my husband was watching me, and I did not know. And what moved him to reach out to me was what he saw. I saw how you were so mission minded. I was so intrigued. How does this woman do what she do? He said it was so attractive to me. I watched how you was at your children's games. I watched you pass them in your church. Then you up there during your prayer call there you inspiring this one. He said, I was like who is this lady? So what if I didn't get didn't do it? What if I stopped ladies, he saw a high capacity woman he saw a high capacity woman said I want her. That's the kind of woman I need in my life. And he says that I've heard him saying, I've heard him talk about just the infusion of having this partner and having you as a wife how that has just totally blessed him. And the two of you been blessed to get and now you're on a mission together. You have things that you're doing he has things that he's doing and let me tell you, I you know, this a pastor here is a wonderful dresser she she's just fabulous. She's elegant, fabulous. just gorgeous. And her husband. Oh, they shot he shot. 

God sent you exactly what you think he was gonna say. God sent me exactly what I like what I love. He got as much clothes as I have. You should see us y'all we dress alike. We try to put the same colors on and we don't have to go to the store in the closets. Okay, I'm putting on Randy What you got? I put No, I'll put no pink Let me see if you got pink. But I got it. I got it. You got pink. I'm putting the orange What you got? I got I got it. A man I never knew. I love and God. He The Lord told me, you got to know the voice of God. You're not gonna be successful. If you don't know God's voice women. Learn his voice. Cuz he's talking to you. But your desire when he's speaking, he will tell you, this is the plan. This is who you need to go to. This is the person that's going to invest in you. This is what you need to wear. This is when you need to launch. He will give you everything that you need. acknowledge him in all your ways and he will direct he will give direction but you gotta know when he's talking. The Lord told me he started this church. Now you're gonna give it up. And I said, huh? What do you mean? And you're gonna pack your boxes because you're leaving Virginia? Where am I going? I'm not gonna tell you. I just want to see if you're gonna trust me when you don't even understand what I'm doing. And you were in Virginia all your life day was in Virginia all my life right here, ladies, with with just a few my children and a handful. Three years ministry has taken off. I am I am doing what I know, God has given me to do and I'm finally feeling like, Man, I'm seeing results. And now God says, you're done. That's it. I have something else. And this something else is not even gonna be in Virginia. I'm gonna move you to a whole nother state. Huh? I have kids. This is established. I have people here that I'm assigned to. He said you've given them what they're supposed to have. There are other people that need what you have. Huh? Are you gonna trust me? God, this looks real crazy. He said, you're gonna baby Are you going to obey me? Even when you look stupid? Oh, I look real crazy. Barbara, I looked like I had lost my mind. I walked away from the church, packed up my boxes, told my children were moving. I did not know that there was a man watching me through this whole process. And as soon as I moved, God said, and let me show you what I got for you. And he shows up. I love it. Now this is this is a best selling book. It's a best seller. obeying God makes you look stupid. We're not gonna tell you all the details. We need to get the book you have to and we're gonna tell you at the end how to do it. She also has a masterclass which I have taken it and that follows this book. And so no matter where you are, you need to even if you are not a believer, let's say you're not a believer, and you don't really know God, you need to get this information. You need to allow this woman to pour into you. I'm telling you, because she can't give it all today. She can give you all today I wanted you all to meet her. Because she embodies really what we're talking about when we're talking about high capacity woman. You can't do it by yourself. So that's why years ago, we talked about the Superwoman, the Superwoman was a myth, the high capacity woman is not a myth, especially when you're in God, when you're in God, and he's leading and guiding you. So So tell us about because now we know that there's so many things that you've done. I know that you were on a program with Bishop TD Jakes. Yes. Tell us about that. And how that happened. Cuz cuz a lot of people, Pastor Smith, they are looking for the trappings. They see the success. They see you with your husband. They see all that, but they don't understand how it happened. And so we're trying to figure it out, trying to make it happen ourselves.

Tell us about how that happened. And you know, Barbara, I wish I could give this was step one. This was step two, you can see the steps. All I did was obey God. All I did was stay true to who I was called to be. When you live in purpose, what is purpose, walking in what you've been craving to do? What what moves you your passion, purpose and passion are connected. What you would do if you never get paid to do it. If I never received compensation, this is what I will do until I die. Hmm. When you stay true to purpose. Purpose is what opens doors for opportunity. Opportunity finds you. I was found I didn't go looking for this Bishop Jake's opportunity. They found me. And what did they find me doing? Doing what I'm called to do? Who is this little lady that's this preacher, her little heart out? Who is she? I need her I need her to come. We're doing a reality show on the next voice that the world has never heard. She's a voice that the world needs to hear. And I don't have a theology degree. All I have is a bachelor's and the bachelor's is in music. It ain't in ministry. It's not in business. It's not in communication. It ain't in psychology, all these things that I do. My degree is in music. But she's making music but you are making music making everything that you do but but you know, it's so funny because you said you know I can't give you the steps one two, and then she gave us the first step. The major step and that's in walking in your purpose, walking in purpose, because you'll find you active if you're called to be a hairstylist and you over there trying to be a cook you outside your lane. I can't, I'm not calling to be a politician. This, I'm not calling to be an attorney, I don't I don't have the, I don't have the desire for it. I don't have the skill for I, you know, I'll get overwhelmed just reading the documents. That's what Barbara is equipped to do. That's what that's what fuels you. I'm sure, Bob, you probably really listen to CNN and do what you probably do all that all day long, I would be so bored. I don't even like museums and stuff, I take me to the mall, I want to go shopping. But see, that's why we're connected. That's why women, we are connected. Because everyone has their passions and strengths, and God's called them to do. And so when you're trying to be everything, to everybody, you end up being nothing to nobody know, that's powerful. You've got to know what it is. And and one of the thing that you said that I think is so key, because you've just, I mean, laid it out. You talked about movement. And how important movement is people are sitting in waiting a lot of times to say, I'm going to move when I find out No, no, no. How are you going to find out when you move? Talk to us about the importance of movement. But the enemies job, the opponent, the adversary, you know, our past that thing that tries to work against our progress. The goal is to keep us stuck, to keep us paralyzed to keep us immobile. As long as you're moving, that is a sign of progress. As long as you're not dead. That means you're not done. You have to keep on going. If you don't move, nothing can happen. How can I say? Are you gonna stay in there? Are you gonna do something? You have to do something, get up from where you are. I don't care if it's just Alright. Well, let me at least start writing it out. Let me let Okay, let me start making some calls. Let me go out and start looking for the builder. All of these are signs of faith. Put your faith in motion, put your faith in action, faith without movement, Faith without works, that's movement is dead. You're just a person full of potential. And no. And you know what I tell people never ask how don't start with the house. Don't start with the house. If you start with the how you will talk yourself out of it. Don't start with how you tell people or people say well, I want to do this this but I don't know how I'm going to do that. And then they start thinking about how all the reasons why they can't do it. And it becomes overwhelming you say forget it. Absolutely. 

So ladies, we are going to move into our next segment is and I want you to get your latte again, refreshing for fresh your latte, your tea and your coffee, because we are going to take notes. Now you have already gotten a whole bunch of notes. But this next segment, let's take notes. Pastor Smith, there's so much here. But let's say you have an audience of women who are watching you some want to be in ministry, some have already built great businesses, but they want to go to that next level. What advice would you give women in business? Who want to build or becoming high capacity women in business and in their lives? Because I believe they go together? Yeah, I believe that you can be a high capacity woman in business. And you're not a high capacity woman in your life. Someone. So give us some pointers. Lady, get your books out. Take notes, huh? All right. So first, I would say make sure that you have a plan. Make sure that you have a plan, make sure you have a vision. If you don't have a plan. That means you're planning to fail vision. What do you see when we think of vision? What is vision, being able to see what's invisible? Being able to have foresight, seeing was not there in front of you. What's the plan? What what what is the goal that you're trying to reach? Who are the people that you're trying to reach? What is the demographic of of people that that that you really feel you're assigned to? No man can build a tower without first counting up the costs. You know, you can't just be a woman that's just zealous and saying I'm gonna do this. But let's take some time to first plan it out. Write the vision, make it clear. What am I going to need to accomplish this? What resources who do I need to connect with to get this done? Who do I need to put on my team? Who is going to be my boy have wisdom, who will be my voice of reason, who's going to be my stabiliser? Who are the five type of people I need in my circle. Because again, it's not just about you having the vision, but you got to build your team, business women, high capacity women, the only way that we can function is understanding that we can't do it by ourselves. So let's, let's erase that this mindset of I'm independent, independent don't mean that you got to do it by yourself, you have to make sure that you are building a circle, you're building a team, because we're better together. And if I try to handle a big assignment by myself, that assignment is gonna fail. So you better make sure that in your planning, in your in your laying out vision, that you are building vision with those who have the right mindset. Do not try to build big, with small minds. Say that again, please say that, again, you cannot build something big, with small minds. Now, let me ask you this, will that initially potentially make you uncomfortable, it will make you very uncomfortable. But any successful person, any high capacity person will tell you that this comes with being stretched, you're not going to be great, and stay comfortable. You're not going to be somebody that has impact and influence and remain in your comfort zone, they don't go together. Influence high capacity, all of that is being inconvenienced being stretched, being pulled, being placed in situations that you feel is bigger than you. That's good. being around people that you feel like is smarter than you. That's that's it when you start feeling like that you are in the right place. Or that you are around people that are smarter than you. I love it. I have to ask you this as a part of that. What role have have mentors and and coaches and people played in your life? Because people look at you and say, What did you come out that way? Was she just born like that? What Oh,

I my mother is this little sweet Trinidadian woman that is very sweet and just loves people. But we are totally different. My mom will never be a person that will get up and talk to people, you know, before people and be really ambitious, and she was fine. Just being a wife, she's fine with just being a mother, she's fine with just kind of being soft spoken in the background. So that that, who I am, as far as being the igniter and the pusher that did not come from my mother, the love of people did. But it was women like Deborah Washington, who is a high capacity woman, my mentor that I saw, sitting in church, and I knew that's what I'm supposed to be. God will put people before you the show give you a glimpse of what you're going to do one day, whoo hoo, God allows you to connect with is an indicator of who you are. You're around a bunch of millionaires. It's because that's what God is showing you. You gonna be you around a bunch of high capacity women, and you're like, I don't even know why I'm in this room. Why do I have connections with these people? Because God is giving you a glimpse of who you are. You're around a bunch of movers and shakers. That's not just by chance. It's because that's who you are. Wow, you are, who your circle is? Wow. Oh, I saw this lady. And I was so drawn to her. Because I knew that's gonna be me. That's me. I didn't know what she was. I didn't know what she did. But just looking at her I knew something she has I need it. And guess what I went after it. I wasn't too proud to go and say, whatever you got, I need it. Now that tells me this because this is so this is so key. This is so key. When you may have your mind to do that. What did that mean? Because I think a lot of people think that means that different things when you say, you know I went after it, I want it. And what does that mean? It means really saying I don't have it. This person does. And whatever I have to do, to get what this person has, if I if that means me sitting at their feet, if that means me just being able to be in there. Presence, if that means me being able to serve in a capacity to make to push their mission, if that means me being an encouragement to what they're doing, that's what I'm willing to do. Because if I can be a blessing to somebody else's work, then I believe that God, when is my time is gonna do the same thing for me. So what did I do? I was willing to, I have a degree, I wasn't somebody that wasn't educated. But my degree, it just don't matter who I think I am, don't matter because you have what I need. So that means me having to come to your office and be the cleanup girl. That's what I'm going to do. Because I see what's on your life. And if I could just be in your presence, ow, I dump a trash can to be in your presence, because I understand that whatever I behold, is what I'm gonna become. So every time I lay my eyes on you, every time I hear you speak, I'm getting deposits. So if I'm just up in the trashcan, while I'm listening to you do a business call, I'm getting imparted into, you ain't gotta pay me no attention. Just let me be in the room. This is your business. Ladies. I just need to hear how you do things. Let me let me see how you how you're writing this document. Let me see how you're engaging with with men and powers of influence. Let me see how you as a woman is doing this. Let me see how you putting your clothes on. Let me see how you putting these colors together. I want to learn everything. Because I know that's gonna be me. looks at me. She's like, you, my child is like I birthed you. I knew I knew. I was assigned to her. She was assigned to me find mentors, fine women that you aspire to be like, I don't care how great you are. There's always people greater than us. Thank you that find women that are doing what you know your call to do, but you haven't done it yet. Find people that are where you want to be. This is so good. This is this is so good. And I wanted her I wanted you to share that. Because sometimes even when we identify that person, we don't know how to entreat that person. And we think that I'm gonna call pastor Smith, and she's gonna come down off of what she's doing.

And just give me all this. No, ma'am. We don't have time. We can't stop. But you find a need. And you come and fill it. You got it. You miss Washington. You gotta have somebody you need somebody to help organize your life because I know you got a lot going on. I took a close to the cleaners. I can be the running girl for you. Really? You don't mind doing that? No, man. You need me to organize your closet. I'm sure when you're getting dressed. You probably got shoes thrown everywhere. Girl you I gotta I don't even have the time to coordinate my closet. I do. I could come you know after work and give a couple hours just to organize your closet. Because I just want to be in your presence. Wow. Wow. While I'm loud enough pursuits. I'm just filling all these little high quality clothes and I'm just seeing what the clothes feel like. Great guy never even heard of before. What is this? I can't even pronounce it. Wow. Wow, I understand. Ladies, same thing. She had her claws I got in mind. But I was willing to serve a great woman I was willing to glean from a high capacity woman. I was willing to humble myself and open myself to be taught or to say no, don't do it like that. Do it like this. Alright, Siobhan, okay, you got to look people in their face when you talk and take your time you talk too fast pronounce your words clearly. Put on this outfit when you're going to this type of interview. Sit this way. Put on this type of ad and and i suck it in like a sponge. I was like a little kid was a grown woman. But when I was in her presence grown woman, I was a grown woman. But in her presence. I was a kid. So the only way to be a high capacity woman is to continue to become you got to continue to become and and so I want you this week ladies to check your circle. Check your circle. I want you to think about and I want you to go back I want you to make sure that you like this podcast and once you subscribe, just click below but I want you to go back and I want you to listen to this because you will have to listen to this. She gave So much today, you would have to listen to this numerous times, and numerous times along the way, in order for you to not only hear what she said, but to begin to implement what she said in your life, because that way you don't get mad at people, because, you know, I called her and I want her to do this. I want her to do that. She can't stop. She's building she's building. How do I help add value to that person? Come on, I feel they see what I'm building. At some point, this woman said, in her spirit, she's I'm assigned her. And she knows because she's seen what you did. She knows that this is the type of young woman Yep, where I will receive and the Lord will receive the return on the investment guys looking for a return on investment, return on the investment. But I had to prove myself to her Absolutely. I wasn't just coming with a with a bad motive. I wasn't just coming as opportunities. I really came sincerely knowing I'm supposed to do what you're doing and you're assigned to me. And whatever I got to do to bless you. That's what I'm gonna do. Because I realized that when I bless you, whatever is on you, it's gonna follow me, alright? Ladies, remember that. Remember that the ladies, I want you to make sure that you connect with highcapacity, one woman in our Facebook page, you can go to our Facebook page, I'll have all the notes in the show notes. And I will have these nuggets. I can't put all of them in. But I don't have some of these nuggets outlined in the show notes that you heard today. But I want you to now let's connect because who you connect with is critical. I want you to connect with pastors. Yvonne Smith is a woman of God, this entrepreneur, this publisher. And you'll see in a few months, I'll be with a publishing company getting my book published.

I want you today, this is about you today. And I want you to know how to connect with her. And so I'm going to let her give in this Connect section. She's going to give you the information on how you can connect with her. She has some master classes coming up. I have taken both of her master classes, because at the time I took her master class, I was saying God, I need to sit at someone's feet, I pull out a lot. And I said I need someone who's gonna fill me up and he directed me to her. And so when God does that, I go and I sit at her feet I have received so much from this woman that God so you make sure that you get in and join one of these master classes. Because I'm telling you, it will take you from where you are on the way to where you want to be. So pastor Smith, tell us how they can get in contact with you. First I want to say thank you, Barbara. Thanks for having me. This has been a delight. I am making it for the day. And I pray that what I'm feeling I hope these ladies feel the same thing. Thank you for walking in your purpose and being a blessing to us all. You can connect with me on all social media outlets. I am on Facebook at Siobhan Smith Instagram at Siobhan Smith periscope at Siobhan Smith. If you love podcasts, just put in at cheban Smith, and you will find me at cheban Smith. We do have a website. If you want to go and purchase the books and all the things that we have to offer. The website is www dot cheban smith.com wonderful, wonderful, wonderful ladies, I want to make sure you spell it right is sh a VON All right, because in many ways people smell survive. And I want to make you'll know you'll see a beautiful face when you get there. But I want to make sure do not allow. Because I chose for this podcast, high capacity woman and women that I knew not thought but knew would add not just value, but massive value to you. Do not allow this time to come along and you do not connect with this high capacity. Woman. Thank you so much. Thanks for joining us. And thank you all as you strive to become high capacity women. Love you. Love you. See you next Tuesday. Bye bye bye,